National Register of Historic Places
Rock Island, Illinois​

Horse-drawn fire truck

Parker-Conner House

Horse-drawn fire truck
Broadway is an active 19th century neighborhood in the heart of Rock Island, Illinois, known for its historic homes, innovative preservation activities, and front porch socializing.
Broadway is within walking distance to both the Mississippi River and Rock Island's thriving downtown arts-and-entertainment district. Residents and visitors enjoy close proximity to parks, museums, bike paths, schools, and shopping.
The Broadway neighborhood became a National Historic District in 1998 and has appeared in Midwest Living and This Old House magazines.
Broadway residents take pride in the architecture and history of the homes and businesses in the neighborhood as well as our reputation as a tight-knit community. Broadway residents are doers and makers, and in addition to our mission to teach the community about historic preservation, we also organize and host a number of social activities throughout the year, including a brewing club, cash mobs, wine walks, beer crawls, neighborhood cleanups, trivia nights, block parties, ice cream socials, old house workshops, and our signature Great Unveilings.