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Rain Gardens Benefit Owners, Communty, and Environment Alike

October 14, 2020

Mark and Elizabeth Tanner have four rain gardens on their 22nd Street property. These unique and beautiful gardens have 





Mark and Elizabeth Tanner have accentuated their beautiful brick bungalow on 22nd St. with four rain gardens. Rain gardens are a unique and elegant solution to water management that benefit the environment by reducing flooding, absorb pollutants, regenerating ground water tables, cleansing storm water, and sustain wildlife. Thanks to the Rain Gardens for Rock Island Program the city will reimburse citizens at the rate of $4 per square foot up to $3000 per project. Mik Holgersson of Vismark, Inc. estimated, designed, and built all four water gardens for the Tanners and he can help you too.







Broadway Oktoberfest

October 19, 2017

Broadway Board member Bridget Ehrmann talks with Tiffany Lundberg about Broadway's inaugural Oktoberfest fundraiser.

June 25, 2017

Neighborhood residents pitched in to remove rubbish from the streets.

December 11, 2016

On a snowy Sunday evening, neighbors from Broadway's Historic District carried on a 19th Century tradition to spread Christmas cheer in song. 

October 15, 2016

Residents from Broadway teamed up with Augustana students to pick up trash from the streets and alleys in Broadway and downtown Rock Island.

Great Unveiling

August 21, 2016

Neighbors from Broadway's Historic District gathered to remove vinyl siding from the pediment of a 19th Century home as well as engage in social activities over ice cream.

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