National Register of Historic Places
Rock Island, Illinois​

The Broadway Historic District of Rock Island, IL, has been nationally recognized for several decades for its pioneering work to promote the exterior restoration of historic properties. In 2018, the Broadway Historic District Association (BHDA) voted to allocate $500 each year to promote its signature Great Unveilings. The Great Unveilings have greatly contributed to the enhancement and beautification of the neighborhood by organizing community events to remove siding from the exterior of homes, thereby exposing original architecture.
In 2019, the BHDA voted to expand its support for restoration activities by creating an additional award funded up to $500 to incentivize both interior and exterior restoration projects that do not fit within the traditional scope of a Great Unveiling. The purpose of this new Restoration Award is to celebrate the history and spirit of craftsmanship of the homes in the Broadway Historic District and to
encourage the spirit and ethic of historic preservation throughout both the interior and exterior of homes in our neighborhood. The award is named in honor of former Broadway resident Bill Rowand, who was passionate about restoration in Broadway, served several terms on the Board, and was in the process of restoring a second house in the neighborhood when he lost his battle with cancer. Although Bill did not live to see the completion of his project house, he embodied the spirit of preservation and volunteerism for which Broadway is known, and this award celebrates his life and accomplishments.
The guidelines for the award are as follows:
Projects shall celebrate, via preservation or restoration, the original interior finishes and exterior architecture of the home.
Documentation of the intended project scope (or work completed), including a written description, Before and After pictures, and an estimated budget must be submitted with each application.
Awards will be granted until the allocated $500 in funding from BHDA has been exhausted for the fiscal year.
Awards will be limited up to $500 per household per year.
All project work shall have been started after January 1 of the current calendar year.
Awards will be presented to successful applicants after project completion.
Applications may be submitted prior to project initiation for eligibility review.
Applicants who are not selected will receive a written explanation from the Broadway Historic District's Beautification Committee.
Applicants who are not selected may revise and resubmit their application for award re-consideration, if basic eligibility criteria are met.
Project application deadline is October 15 of the current calendar year.
Awards will be presented at the November BHDA Board meeting.
Applicant Eligibility:
Projects must meet certain minimum program requirements. These requirements are as follows:
Applicants shall reside within the boundary of the Broadway Historic District.
Applicants shall own a home within the boundary of the Broadway Historic District. The property need not necessarily be the owner's primary residence.
Applicants shall permit the BHDA to publicize the project scope, award, and before and after pictures of the work completed to promote and market the Broadway Historic District.
Property Eligibility:
The historic property must be:
Located within the Broadway Historic District
Constructed prior to 1930
A single family home or duplex
Project Eligibility:
Projects must celebrate the original features of the house as well as the time period and architectural style in which it was constructed.
Eligible activities for interior projects include, but are not limited to, restoration or historically-appropriate replacement of:
Hardwood or tile floors
Kitchen and bathroom fixtures
Original windows
Eligible activities for exterior projects include, but are not limited to, restoration or historically appropriate replacement of:
Wooden entry doors
Storm windows
Porches and columns
Architectural finishes (cornices, corbels, molding, etc.)
Exterior lighting
Wood clapboard, stucco or brick
Beadboard porch ceilings or eaves
The Broadway Beautification Committee on behalf of the BHDA administers the application and review process for this award.